Author: admin
UKNIBC User Day 2024
Wednesday 11th December 2024 We look forward to welcoming you to the 2024 UKNIBC User Day at the University of Surrey which is home to 4 Ion implanters, 2 Single Ion Implanters, 2 Focussed Ion Beams and a bespoke Ion Beam Analysis facility. The focus will be on presentations by our wide-ranging user community but…
User Day Programme 2023
This year the meeting took place on 12th September 2023 at the University of Huddersfield, which was home to the Medium Energy Ion Scattering (MEIS) and the Microscopes and Ion Accelerators for Materials Investigations (MIAMI) facilities. The focus was on presentations by our wide-ranging user community but we also warmly welcomed those whose projects are…
User Day Programme 2022
This year the meeting was held on the 14th September 2022 we organised an in person User Day at the University of Surrey. Users had the opportunity to present their work in person. The Programme for the day was as follows: Time Name Institute Title 09:30 Coffee 09:50 Welcome 10:00 University of Surrey UKNIBC Update…
User Day Programme 2021
This year on the 2nd September 2021 we organised a hybrid User Day at the University of Surrey. Users had the opportunity to present their work virtually or in person at the University. We tried to encourage people to join the event in person – numbers were limited to maintain social distancing. However, many people…
New 1.25MV Implanter Arrives at Surrey Ion Beam Centre
A new 1.25MV Implanter from High Voltage Engineering Europa (HVEE) has been delivered to the Surrey Ion Beam Centre. This is the result of a £2,195,000 grant from the EPSRC strategic equipment initiative. The Instrument has been 2 years in the making and was delivered to the Centre at the beginning of February. It will…
Indian Science & Technology Minister Visits the Ion Beam Centre
The Indian Minister of State of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh, visited the University of Surrey and the Surrey Ion Beam Centre on 28th April 2023. The focal point of the visit was to discuss semiconductor research and development that can help spur the next generation of technologies and industries in…
Traditional Ion Implantation is often used in the semiconductor industry to change the electronic properties of materials by introducing dopant ions into the semiconductor.
Ion Cut
Ion implantation offers a unique way of transferring thin layers of single crystal material from one wafer to another.
Cultural Heritage
We can use Ion Beam Analysis – PIXE – to look at the trace elements in Cultural Heritage Materials to provide insight in to provenance and origins of the materials. We show an example of a ‘Leonardoesque’ painting.
Metals in Proteins
MicroPIXE can be used to correctly identify the metal atoms in metaloproteins. X-ray crystallography is very good at identifying the important structure of the protein, but it can be difficult to distinguish the metal in the protein if one exists. A recent random sample of 36 protein samples found that 50% of them had been…